Vegetable Sandwich

Someone rightly said- All you need is love and a tasty Sandwich

Sandwiches are the best solution to anytime hunger or a planned quick meal. The best part is you can always go for as many add-ons you like and experiment on the basis of your mood as well as the availability of ingredients in the kitchen.

Just arranging healthy and nutritious round cut veggies and season it spices and it will satiate your cravings for something delicious and delightful meal. This sandwich is very versatile and you can easily do appetizing experiments with the filling according to your taste.

Do try this recipe and share your experience and your version of the sandwich.

Knowledge Corner

Before starting with this lip-smacking recipe, let us dwell on some of the interesting insights about the sandwich-

Do you know that once Iranians tried to set a world record for the world’s biggest-ever sandwich but failed to do so because the evidence has been eaten by the hungry watching crowds before it had been measured.

Organisers were trying to enter the Guinness Book of World Records by producing a 1,500 metre-long sandwich containing 1,000kg of ostrich meat. More than 1,000 cooks laboured from early morning in Tehran's Mellat park to assemble the monster sandwich. But as soon as their task was completed, popular enthusiasm overwhelmed the need for attention to detail as crowds began devouring the snack before its measurements could be verified.


  • Bread Slices
  • Boiled and round potato slices
  • Round cut tomatoes slices
  • Round cut cucumber slices
  • Round cut beetroot slices
  • Butter for brushing
  • Sandwich Masala for sprinkling
  • Green Chutney
  • Black pepper
  • Salt to taste

How to proceed

  • Rinse all the vegetables properly and round cut tomatoes, onion, beetroot and boiled potato
  • Take one bread and spread butter on it.
  • Apply a layer of green chutney on the buttered bread.
  • Cover the bread with round cut cucumber and potato slices and season it with sandwich masala.
  • Sprinkle black pepper and salt on it.
  • Add another layer of tomato and onion round cuts.
  • Repeat the seasoning process and cover it with another buttered-chutney bread.
  • Place the sandwich on an electric toaster or hand toaster.
  • Cook it until it turns crisp golden brown from both sides.
  • Serve it with tomato ketchup or green chutney.


Vegetable Cheese Sandwich-
We can also add a layer of grated cheese or cheese slice between the cucumber and tomato layer and while serving also we can load it with more grated cheese on the top of it.

Brown Bread Sandwich-
We can also go for brown bread or multi-grain bread as an alternative for regular bread for the healthier versions.

Schezwaan Mayo Sandwich-
We can prepare a mix of schezwaan sauce and any mayonnaise of our choice and make it as another add-on instead of green chutney.